Wishlist Updates!!!!

Wishlist Updates!!!!
We have made significant changes to our wishlist on our pro site.  
The previous wishlist system left a lot to be desired.  Being a cookie based wishlist meant that wishlists were not synced accross devices.  This also meant that if you cleared your browser history,  your wishlist would dissappear.  There was also a lack of communications when wishlist items did come in.  This lead to confusion and frustration while trying to track what you were after.  
Now introducing our new WISHLIST!!!
This new wishlist has had its code completely revamped.  While basic skin functionality remains mostly the same,  you will see some slight adjustments on the front end.


On the right side of the screen you will find the new quick access floating wishlist  icon.

With new buttons available to add all items to your cart at once, email notifications when items are restocked, and cross device syncing capabilities,  this upgrade is sure to meet all your needs.


We thank you for your patience while we reshaped this feature of our website.  Unfortunately switching our code has wiped everyone's previous Wishlist.  There was no way for us to avoid this and still move forward with the previous setup.  We apologize for the inconvenience but are confident that this new wishlist will fit the needs of the community in a much greater and effecient way.


If you notice anything not functioning properly,  please let us know and we will do our best to continue to optimize our site whenever possible.